The eagles have landed! Vlcc present femina miss india 2022 state winner arrive in mumbai

Bhubaneswar: India’s most prestigious pageant, vlcc presents femina miss india 2022 is underway, and today they have stunning top 31 state winners land in the city of dreams, mumbai. The winners who arrived in mumbai a few hours ago received a warm welcome in a traditional maharashtrian way. The mounting excitement is visible on the faces of all the top 31 state winners as they now represent their home state at the national contest while due to covid restrictions, only top 15 state winners of the previous edition could make it to Mumbai for the finale. This year they have the top 31 vying for the glorious crown, as the days unfold they will present us all the activities and preparations exclusively to help you to be a part of these fabulous beauties. So stay tuned to watch out vlcc presents femina miss india 2022 co-powered by sephora, moj and rajni gandha Pearls